The mission of EQBW is to connect businesswomen in the equine industry to provide them with resources and community to foster their professional development and business opportunities. In this community, women can harness the network of like-minded individuals, inclusive of various disciplines and skill sets, to educate themselves, become better managers, strengthen relationships, and more, in order to strive for success in whatever business they pursue. 


Victoria Birdsall Baheera kiss Photo by JWM.jpg


We are a group of women who were drawn to this industry because of our passion for the horse, the sport, and the industry. We are a unique group of people who need the opportunity to connect. 



We are constantly amazed by and grateful for the impressive women we meet in this industry, and we think it’s past time to harness the connections, strengths, and support that we can gain from each other. 



As in any business, learning is key to growing and adapting to a changing industry. Learning from the experiences of other businesswomen can also help improve the effectiveness of your strategies and the efficiency of your day-to-day operation.