What does it take to get a business loan or capital investment? What do you do to prepare and what happens after? Learn about how best to get your finances In order, what you need for a loan application, who to turn to for help, and what you need to feel comfortable with your business finances.
Episode 6: Meet Equestrian Businesswoman, Erin Brown, the "Concrete Cowgirl"
Meet Equestrian Businesswoman, Erin Brown, the "Concrete Cowgirl": As the original "Concrete Cowgirl," Erin Brown has made a living in the equestrian industry by staying true to her roots and her love of horses. She is the Executive Director for the Philadelphia Urban Riding Academy and runs her own business, Concrete Horsemanship. EQB2B explores her story in this special episode.
Episode 5: How to Run a Successful Non-Profit
How to Run a Successful Non-Profit: While 501 (c)(3) businesses are not for profit, they still share many of the same challenges that for-profit businesses face. Learn from non-profit business leaders about what makes a non-profit successful, what challenges they face, and how they navigate the world of donations and support to thrive.
Episode 4: How to Put Together a Successful Team
How to Put Together a Successful Team: What is the strategy behind putting together a successful team that includes collaboration, motivation, and harmony? We talk a successful business leader about what they look for and how to keep the team motivated to do their best work for themselves and the business.
Episode 3: Building Great Customer Relationships
Building Great Customer Relationships: This episode we will discuss how to provide great customer service and great products. We will explore ideas on balancing both sides of the guests’ businesses. Learn how to get goods from suppliers into the hands of customers and navigating all those relationships along the way.
Episode 2: How to Put Your Best Foot Forward In A Job Interview or As An Employer
Episode 1: Protecting Yourself as an Equestrian Business Owner
Protecting Yourself As An Equestrian Business Owner: what does it take to protect yourself - physically, mentally, emotionally, financially - so that you can maintain and grow your business? Guests Dr. Darby Bonomi, a sports and performancy psychologist, and Laura Kestner, a corporate human resources director and riding instructor, discuss how to take advantage of opportunities and how to be ready for change.
Episode 1 Coming Soon in July!
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